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Minggu, 10 November 2019

English Idioms

English Idioms

What are idioms?

¡Idioms are expressions which have a meaning that is not obvious from the individual words.
¡The best way to understand an idiom is to see it in context.
¡Most idioms are fixed in their form and cannot be changed or varied.
¡As it can be difficult to work out what an idiom means, you will often need to look them up in a dictionary.

Why do we learn idioms?
¡   To improve our level of English
¡   To understand native speakers

Types of idioms:

)Some idioms are imaginative expressions such as proverbs and sayings e.g.: Too many cooks spoil the broth.
)Other idioms are short expressions that are used for a particular purpose: Get lost!
)Some are considered as idioms because their form is fixed: for certain
)Similes: white like a chalk
)Bionimals: safe and sound (trionimals)
)From grammatical point of view we distinguish: verb+object/complement, prepositional phrase, compound or whole clauses or sentences, e.g. to cut a short story long

Common Idiomatic Phrases & Expressions

1.A penny for your thoughts
2.Add insult to injury
3.Once in a blue moon
4.See eye to eye
5.Hear it on the grapevine
6.Miss the boat
Its Means :
1.This idiom is used as a way of asking someone what they are thinking about.
2.To make a bad situation even worse.
3.When something happens very rarely.
4.idiom is used to say that two (or more people) agree on something.
5.This means ‘to hear a rumor' about something or someone.
6.This idiom is used to say that someone missed his or her chance at something.

We can divide idioms into different categories:
¡Body parts

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